Juana Simona is a space dedicated to creativity and the stewardship of the land. Through the act of regenerating the land, Guzman Velasquez grows and harvests the native ecology of South Texas to continue her artistic practice.
As my baby chicks grow, they pour nutrients into the ground and extra seeds and grain they do not eat are self-planted. Across the field, my mobile chicken tractor moves and my baby chicks, now hens, continue to plant new seeds along the way.
In October, my five hens gave their first eggs. We anticipated the moment with stories my parents told us of growing up with hens in my grandparents' homes. Even though my parents had grown up with hens and roosters, for my generation, it was our first time taking care of chickens and eating organic eggs.
At the end of 2021, my task at Juana Simona is to finish building a chicken coop for my five beautiful hens to stretch, eat and bathe in the South Texas sun.