anda, corre, 2019
anda, corre is composed of three works using apricot crushed seeds with acrylic binding, thread, fabric, newspaper and wood. They speak about ritualistic forms of reconstructing memory, photographs and language used to politicize bodies. In "anda, corre" my reference point is this printed language and photographs. I transformed them using rituals of circular constructions, stitching words recreating movement, burning on wood to inscribe memory and a scattering on surfaces of crushed apricot seeds from my mother's garden to symbolize a territorial grounding. In these works, I find resistance where I am able to rematerialize history and notions of power and order. |
undetermined, 2018
undetermined uses a transcript from databases recording recent deaths of immigrants crossing the Rio Grande/Bravo and homicides in México as a result of the Narco War. The linear progression of the spoken-word performance is a 'gesture of the body'; a voicing out-loud to give presence and erasing to dematerialize the language used to politicize deaths. Photographed by Farah Salem
sunlight of an absent sun, 2016
the cry is silenced with the sound of the wind, the leaves circling around an abyss of ash that obscures the sun at midday.
sunlight of an absent sun is a time-based installation and site of trauma of the borderlands.
sunlight of an absent sun is a time-based installation and site of trauma of the borderlands.